
Happy and satisfied families who got their puppy from BREEDER, Katherine Marlin at DIVINE DOODLES New Brunswick, say…………….

Kevin was the one that said ” You have to let people know what you do and how much help and information is included in the price. So worth every penny when you buy a Divine Doodle from Katherine.”

Daisy’s people needed a lot of extra help.” Thankyou for being there with all the re-learning we needed.

Cynthia said Peanut had a paw licking issue. “Thanks for your holistic knowledge to track down the source and helpful remedies”.

Most owners let me know how fast their pups potty train due to my work with the litter before they go home and the tricks I show them.

After Papa died, our Divine Doodles were wonderful emotional support dogs. They just seemed to know who to sit with.

Deb says “clicker training makes Walter so attentive and ready to learn”.

Maureen wites,”Willoughby is an awesome pup and has stollen our hearts”.

Beth writes” Rusty is a very social and super smart”.

Kim says ” the most important thing is to follow your book, For the Love of Dogs. It made all the difference . Your information is straight forward and the bonus is that you are there to call”.

Carla said ” it is a lot of work” As a busy family with a young daughter, they let the cute puppy stage expire when it would have been so easy to get all the doggy manners set. The teen pup is a lot of work to correct unwanted behaviours. “Katherine was there to offer help”

Trent travels with Jake and he is a hit at all the hotels. He loves to cuddle.

Ann comments that many people have told her how well behaved Chester is for his breed. ” Katherine , you prepared him and us very well!”

Jen writes ” you did an amazing job with Jersey before we got her.”

Evelyn did her research and waited two years on my reservation list to get one of my pups. “He is friendly, social and loves to cuddle” she says.

Judy loves the size of Bailey. “Easy to manage and a hit with all the neighbours. Katherine is a wonderful and caring breeder, I have been fortunate to get such a wonderful companion.”

Wonderful puppies, I’ve told my friends.

A note from your breeder, Katherine shares…..As a dog owner I have made my share of mistakes. When I started training, learning and teaching dog obedience, it prepared me to be a breeder to help you grow the best pup ever. I want your pup to have an enriching safe start in life. I want to help you be aware of all the pitfalls along the puppy raising path. I am responsible for helping you grow that perfect pup.

Pups need your time.

It is great to get such glowing reports from my clients. Thank you everyone! For more information about my Divine Doodles, contact me -8am – 8pm at 506 536 4628 or